Autumn spraying of fruit trees

 Autumn spraying of fruit trees will result in more lush flowering and fruiting in the next season. Read how to plan autumn spraying of fruit trees.

The development of fruit trees and other plants in the garden depends mainly on proper care. There are few species that do not require any treatment and that grow without human intervention. Of course, if the plants find themselves in exceptionally favorable conditions, they will grow, maybe even produce yields, but they will be much smaller than in the case of plants with proper care.

diseased leaves of fruit trees

Autumn spraying of fruit trees - why do they need to be done?

One of the key treatments is to protect the vegetation against diseases, pests and adverse weather conditions. The lack of effective protection can lead to many damages to crops, such as less impressive yields, hypersensitivity to changing weather conditions, damage to leaves, shoots and flowers. Regularly checking fruit trees will allow you to react in time, thanks to which you will minimize the risk of embarrassing symptoms.

As a rule, the emphasis is on spring spraying. It is known that in the flowering and fruiting phase, trees are more exposed to pests and diseases. However, autumn spraying of fruit trees is no less important, mainly due to the conditions conducive to the development of pathogenic pathogens. These include high humidity and still high temperatures. The combination of both of these factors is an ideal environment for fungus or weed growth.

Why is it worth doing autumn spraying?

protect against the approaching winter and temperature drops,

reduce the sensitivity of plants to adverse weather conditions,

inhibit the development of fungal diseases,

eliminate pests,

contribute to more impressive crops in the coming season.

In addition, autumn spraying is much safer for the plants themselves and the environment. First of all, they do not harm the fruit, because they have already been harvested, as well as the beneficial pollinators, which have finished their flights at this time of year.

What to spray fruit trees in autumn?

In the amateur cultivation of fruit trees, it is recommended to spray the plants in the fall, mainly with copper and urea. These preparations will help fight, among others, bacterial cancer, leaf curl and apple scab. Autumn spraying is usually carried out in November, depending on the weather and the stage of development of individual tree species.

Copper Extra 350sc 100ml Target


Fights apple scab, brown rot of stone fruit trees and potato blight



Leaf curl is a very dangerous fungal disease that has the ability to overwinter in bud scales and shoot bark. It attacks, among others, peaches. Therefore, it is crucial to protect the plant in the fall, after all the leaves have fallen. For spraying, a popular fungicide, which is also approved in organic farming - Miedzian 50 WP, will work. After dissolving a certain dose of the protective agent, all shoots of the tree should be thoroughly covered.


Bacterial canker affects many species of fruit trees, such as cherries, cherries, peaches and apricots. Bacterial canker pathogens, as in the case of leaf curl, overwinter in buds and shoots. The disease causes gradual browning and withering of flowers in spring, and then spreads to other plant organs, contributing to the gradual death of shoots and leaves.

To protect the trees, you can use a copper fungicide, e.g. Miedzian 50 WP or Miedzian Extra 350 SC. Spraying should be carried out in the phase of leaf fall, because bacteria easily penetrate the leaf traces. If there is a risk of disease in the surrounding orchards, it is worth spraying the trees twice - the first time when the leaves start to fall, and the second time when the tree has almost completely lost its foliage.


Brown spots appearing on the leaves and fruits of an apple tree are a sign of a dangerous fungal disease - apple scab. As a result of infection, the fruits are small, misshapen, and here and there covered with a hard, cracked shell. Trees affected by the disease yield very poorly, which causes significant losses not only in the amount of fruit, but also financial losses.

Spraying against scab is best done after harvesting the fruit, just before the leaves fall. The preparation recommended to combat the disease is urea, from which a solution of a certain concentration (usually 5%) is prepared, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Urea can also be sprayed on other fruit trees, including peaches, pears and cherries. The action of the preparation consists in accelerating the rotting processes of the leaves, which at the same time eliminates the pathogens of fungal diseases.

autumn in the garden, colorful leaves, pumpkin, colorful flowers

What, apart from plant protection products, for autumn fertilization of fruit trees?

Autumn is not only the time to apply plant protection products. Just before the trees enter the winter dormancy, you can support them with special fertilizers, the task of which is to strengthen the plants against frost and other, not very favorable weather conditions.

In autumn, any preparations with the addition of phosphorus and potassium will be perfect. The first of the elements has a strengthening effect on the root system, thanks to which they can absorb more nutrients from the substrate. Potassium, in turn, increases frost resistance and disease resistance. For fertilization, you can use single-component preparations or multi-component mineral fertilizers, intended for autumn fertilization. It is worth emphasizing that nitrogen fertilization should be stopped in autumn. This element stimulates growth, which is highly inadvisable at this time of year.

Finally, an important reminder. Remember to dispose of the disease-infected and removed parts of fruit trees, such as branches, leaves or fruits. It is unacceptable to compost them or leave them under trees.

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